The Good Old Letter Box Was Far Better Than the Present Emails and Texts

When I was small I had an unknown fascination over the letter I received from my distant relatives. The postman used to visit our house to deliver the letter and envelops once or twice a week. The postman used to arrive with envelops, inland letters, money orders and colourful greetings card which were meant only for me. I was a much-pampered kid and so I received a lot of love and affection from the relatives and acquaintances. The letter box in our Sydney residence never went blank and it filled itself up till the brim on the onset of Christmas season. Our letter box was coloured in white with a red flag on its top. I thought that the red flag really didn’t have any function, however, later I came to know that it had its own importance. For the people who don’t know, the red flag on your letter box might look small but have a very important role to play. These kinds of letter boxes served as a two-way transit for the posts. Initially, the postman would drop the letter address...