Letter Box in Hostel Life and Our Primary Attraction

Every individual deal with different lifestyle and each of them have a story. I have to stay out of my home for study purpose. So, being away from my family, I used to feel lonely. That day, there was no telephone affordable for the mediocre families although there was a sole telephone in my hostel. I used to keep waiting for the letters from my family and as a result, used to check the letterbox of my hostel. That day, among other daily routines, checking the box for letters was one for me.

The letterbox in my hostel was a special attraction to many, not only for the letters, but there was something more in that. The box was unique in style and design. The hostel was full of diverse students and among them, small kids were also there. Whether to make the kids happy or for other reasons that I don’t know, the box was something with a funny face and the mouth of the face was the one that was used for keeping the letters. The colour of the box was bright and multi-coloured. The kids and even the other members of the hostel used to spend time with the unique and funny letter box in Perth hostel. Soon after, my hostel life came to an end and I returned back to my home. However, I still remember the golden memories of the hostel days.

In Perth and also in other parts of Australia, many such unique letterbox types are found and the manufacturers of these items have the aim to create several such types of unique letterboxes. I have travelled a lot to different places throughout my life after that hostel life and had seen many exclusive and amazing types of letterboxes throughout the world.


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