Sending and Receiving of Letters Has Advanced Through Several Stages

One of the ancient forms of communications is sending letters. At the very primitive days, there was the practice of sending letters using the pigeons. The pigeon post was very popular throughout the world. The pigeons were used for their natural homing abilities and due to which when they were transported to certain destinations, they used to come back to their original home with the mail attached to their feet. Before that, the tradition of writing letters was there and was delivered manually. The time was when there was no introduction of the letter boxes.

Soon after the development of different mailing options, the practice of sending letters by post has been started. The mail slot was introduced at the basic level that was seen to be horizontal shaped and also vertical in some cases. There was a slot where either it was cut through the middle or the lower half of a front door. With the advancement of many technologies and up gradation of the manufacturing of mail slots, differently styled letterboxes have been in the scene. Some weird shaped boxes are also on the list. The boxes are used for the delivery of the received letters or mails and are smaller in size with some limitations for receiving mails.

The location of the mailboxes are usually close to the front door of the residences and are sometimes found in the main gate of the house. Some of the type of mailboxes in the residences are secured by a lock and some are not. The secured ones have provisions of restricting the incoming as well as outgoing mails. Several companies are still there that manufacture the letter box in Sydney and surrounding areas, even in the age of social media and online communications. The size of the boxes is dependent on the shape as well as also for personal choices.


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