When You Love Letters, You Ought To Know Its Different Types

There was one to bring you news – the postman. There is still a post-office and some postmen in different areas but there are also a number of other agents to bring you messages. However, the charm of a letter and letter boxes remain unchanged and unchallenged. Do you like a wall or pillar letter boxes? There is a wide variety of letter boxes and each comes with its unique appeal.
Letter Box Variations That Will Leave You Fascinated
Whether you are in love with letters or like the idea of receiving messages at your mail box installed out of your home, the different available types of letterboxes would surely a matter of interest to you. Let’s take a look at the different kinds of letter boxes that you can find in shops.
·         Pillar letter boxes: You must have notices free-standing post boxes, often cylindrical in shape. It is one of the most common kinds of letter boxes that you can have in your own home or a common one for your neighbourhood. 
·         Lamp letter boxes: These are typical letter boxes fixed to lamp posts beside different roads and streets. Lamp letter boxes are smaller in shape than the other types. It is said that this particular type of letter box was introduced on an experimental basis to supplement pillar letter boxes without incurring much cost. 
·         Wall letter boxes: As revealed by the name, wall letter boxes are installed on walls. They are not at all freestanding like pillar letter boxes.
·         Ludlow letter boxes: This particular type of existing letter boxes are named after the company of James Ludlow & Son of Birmingham. Even though the company is now dysfunctional, this type of letter boxes is very much in use. They are also installed on stone or brick walls and never found freestanding.
If you too are in love with letters then having your own letter box is something that you must now miss. Select any of the above-mentioned types and enjoy your letter experiences.


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